While working on Dantes Inferno, a couple colleagues of mine came to me to see
if I knew of any way to generate a path trajectory from an existing animated asset.
I asked them if they looked in the animation tools to see if something already existed.
After no such luck I started to think of a way to do it. After a bit of thought I realized that
I could create a proxy NURBS shape, point constrain it to the animated objects center,
and then, using Maya's animated sweep function I could loft a NURBS surface from
the animated sweep. Once I had a surface, I could extract an Isoparm from the Nurbs
surface to generate the trajectory curb. Before long I had a working system, and afterwards
I was able to compile the macro commands and assign a string variable to evaluate a
selected object which would then perform the series of operations on that selected object.
Below is the script in action, as well as the source, and a downloadable link to grab the script
free for you to use. Enjoy!